Breastfeeding is beneficial to both you and your baby. Your breasts will fill with milk (turning warmer and firmer) approximately two to five days after you give birth. At first, breastfeeding may be difficult or intimidating, but it is one of the best things you can do for your child.
Benefits For Your BABY:
Benefits For You:
Lactation Consultants
We have certified lactation consultants and Breastfeeding Counsellors. Our trained and capable nursing staff is also on hand to provide you with lactation support at any time.
Mothers who wish to nurse their babies soon after birth can receive assistance from lactation consultants, who will review correct breastfeeding and pumping techniques with you and will be on hand to address any questions and concerns you may have, including proper nutrition while breastfeeding.
Breast Feeding Techniques
Cues That Your BABY is Ready To Feed:
Make sure both you and your baby are in a supportive, comfortable position for feeding with your baby’s head and body level with your breast and your arm under his or her back for support. Once your baby latches onto your whole nipple and areole you should not hear any clicking or smacking sounds during the feeding.
Complications To Watch Out For While Breast Feeding:
Breast Pumping Techniques At times (if your baby is premature or you are returning to work), you may need to use a device to electronically pump your breasts for milk. Do not get overly anxious if you do not produce much milk from your first attempts at pumping; stress and exhaustion can inhibit your “let down” reflex.